How engineering students and MBA students should work in rural india
we as a engineer will go and work with rural india as a internship program like doctors. As a doctor, before going to join or start their own clinic, they should work in a village. Same thing applicable to engineers to make sure we understand indian culture and expections and explore more in village. Help them in understand their work life balance and solve agriculture problem. build products to automate their efforts and make sure to increase their productivity. As a MBA student, we should teach agri people or their children's. Whoever educated in their village family on how to take their agri products in to market. How to set price point to their agri products and get subsidies from government policies. MBA students should teach marketing and Public Relationship (PR) , Branding to Agri people to help them and understand global market create channel and platform for village people and farmers to understand how selling works, how they should play smart in pricing and sel...